Friday, July 22, 2011

10 revision (revulsion) reviews

1. 1. Writing is revision

2. 2. Conferencing is essential

3. 3. Experienced writers start with the whole and move to the word; inexperienced writes stat with the word and move toward the whole.

4. 4. Start with whole, theme, and then look at paragraphs, then sentences, then phrases, then individual words.

5. 5. Peer conferencing hold great value

6. 6. Don’t have them revise everything they write-choose your battles

7. 7. Have them treat the first draft as the first of many

8. 8. Allow time for percolating in between drafts

9. 9. Leave something and come back to it weeks later

10. 10. It never has to be perfect; just keep working on it.

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